Please access the subtitles by clicking on “CC” in the Vimeo menu, available in the following languages: English, French, German, Italian, Russian, Spanish, Simplified Chinese.
A panel of experts will give their analysis on the current situation of the very important migratory flow through the Mediterranean Sea, a nightmare for migrants, forgotten by our media and our politicians
You can access additional documents by clicking on the following link:–4676-af31-7e9064bf6a32 Links to download full text intervention in English, French, German, Italian, Russian, Spanish, Simplified Chinese: Speakers:
1. Opening Remarks by Professor Michel Veuthey, Ambassador of the Sovereign Order of Malta to monitor and combat trafficking in persons
2. Dr. Caroline Abu Sa’Da, Executive Director of SOS Méditerranée Switzerland and member of the founders of the international entity
3. Vincent Cochetel, UNHCR’s Special Envoy for the Central Mediterranean Situation
4. Father Mussie Zerai, Roman Catholic priest known for his work with migrants crossing the Mediterranean Sea from Africa to Europe during the European migrant crisis
You can also access the video of this webinar available with translations in French, Italian, German, Spanish, Russian and Chinese on the adlaudatosi website:
The webinars are organized by the Ambassador of the Sovereign Order of Malta to monitor and combat trafficking in persons with the Collège Universitaire Henry-Dunant, in cooperation with Sister Mirjam Beike, RGS, Representative at the UN in Geneva for the Sisters of Our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd.
Please visit the following websites: https://nohumantrafficking.orderofmal…