International Prosecution Of Human Trafficking — Where Are We Now?


  • Pro­fes­sor Michel Veuthey, Mod­er­a­tor, Ambas­sador of the Sov­er­eign Order of Mal­ta to Mon­i­tor and Com­bat Traf­fick­ing in Persons
  • Mor­gane NicotDis­cus­sant, UNODC Crim­i­nal Jus­tice Offi­cer, Team Leader, Knowl­edge Devel­op­ment / Human Traf­fick­ing & Migrant Smuggling
  • Kevin Hyland, 30 years expe­ri­ence of police inves­ti­ga­tion. From 2010, Head for the estab­lish­ment of the Met­ro­pol­i­tan Police Human Traf­fick­ing response in UK and from 2014 to May 2018, first Inde­pen­dent Anti-Slav­ery Com­mis­sion­er for the UK gov­ern­ment, from 2018, Ireland’s rep­re­sen­ta­tive to the Coun­cil of Europe Inde­pen­dent Group of Experts for Traf­fick­ing (Gre­ta). Cur­rent­ly Chair of the Lead­er­ship Group for Respon­si­ble Recruit­ment (the lever­age of major inter­na­tion­al brands to pro­mote respon­si­ble recruit­ment prac­tices in the way that migrant work­ers are recruit­ed) and senior advi­sor for the San­ta Mar­ta Group (Church and Law Enforce­ment Com­bat­ting Mod­ern Slavery)
  • Dr. Olivia Smith, Human Traf­fick­ing Spe­cial­ist, present­ly Project Lead, TIP Nation­al Action Plan (Traf­fick­ing In Per­sons Report), Bar­ba­dos, Amer­i­can Bar Asso­ci­a­tion Rule of Law Ini­tia­tive (ABA ROLI). She served for sev­er­al years in var­i­ous capac­i­ties with­in the Gov­ern­ment of Bar­ba­dos, the CARICOM Sec­re­tari­at (Caribbean Com­mu­ni­ty) and as Exec­u­tive Direc­tor of the Caribbean Anti-Human Traf­fick­ing Foundation
  • Bri­an Iselin, for­mer Aus­tralian sol­dier and fed­er­al agent, Founder of Gene­va-based Slave Free Trade, a non­prof­it work­ing on lever­ag­ing the might of the blockchain to rid the world of slave labor

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