OCTOBER 12, 2023


Please access the sub­ti­tles by click­ing on “CC” in the Vimeo menu, avail­able in the fol­low­ing lan­guages: Eng­lish, French, Ger­man, Ital­ian, Russ­ian, Span­ish, Sim­pli­fied Chinese.

Please access the sub­ti­tles by click­ing on “CC” in the Vimeo menu, avail­able in the fol­low­ing lan­guages: Eng­lish, French, Ger­man, Ital­ian, Russ­ian, Span­ish, Sim­pli­fied Chinese.

Post-trau­mat­ic impacts can so dis­rupt a vic­tim’s behav­ior that she finds her­self unable to tes­ti­fy con­crete­ly about her his­to­ry and the abuse she has suf­fered, in an objec­tive atti­tude that goes against her inter­est in ini­tial con­tacts with the peo­ple and author­i­ties who have to qual­i­fy her legal sta­tus as a vic­tim of traf­fick­ing. Remis­sion and the reduc­tion of its impact is a lengthy process of care, the qual­i­ty of which is essen­tial if the vic­tim is to be rein­te­grat­ed into soci­ety. The keys to suc­cess in this process are impor­tant for all par­ties in con­tact with the vic­tim to be aware of, so as to avoid a process of suc­ces­sive retrauma­ti­za­tions, treat­ing the vic­tim as a crim­i­nal, a per­son who has lost his or her bal­ance and whose words are incon­sis­tent and bor­der on lies.

Post-trau­mat­ic impacts can so dis­rupt a vic­tim’s behav­ior that she finds her­self unable to tes­ti­fy con­crete­ly about her his­to­ry and the abuse she has suf­fered, in an objec­tive atti­tude that goes against her inter­est dur­ing ini­tial con­tacts with the peo­ple and author­i­ties who have to qual­i­fy her legal sta­tus as a vic­tim of traf­fick­ing. Remis­sion and the reduc­tion of these impacts is a lengthy process of care, the qual­i­ty of which is essen­tial if the vic­tim is to be rein­te­grat­ed into soci­ety. The keys to suc­cess in this process are impor­tant for all par­ties in con­tact with the vic­tim to be aware of, so as to avoid a process of suc­ces­sive retrauma­ti­za­tions, treat­ing the vic­tim as a crim­i­nal, a per­son who has lost his or her equi­lib­ri­um and whose words are incon­sis­tent and bor­der on lies.

We invite you to down­load the pre­sen­ta­tion files and addi­tion­al doc­u­ments on PTSD by click­ing on the fol­low­ing link:

You can also down­load the tran­scripts of this webi­nar by click­ing on the fol­low­ing link: https://kdrive.infomaniak.com/app/share/111675/8a8b25a2-eeb8-4744–9f6d-289775fe92f5

INTRODUCTION & MODERATION: Pro­fes­sor Michel Veuthey, Ambas­sador of the Order of Mal­ta against human trafficking

1. Joana Her­rmann, psy­chol­o­gist at the “Coeur des Grottes” shel­ter in Gene­va, spe­cial­ized in psy­chotrau­ma­tol­ogy
2. Doc­tor Sophie Durieux, Head of RSP HUG (RÉSEAU SANTÉ POUR TOUS)
3. Doc­tor Emmanuel Escard, Head of the Inter­dis­ci­pli­nary Unit for Med­i­cine and Vio­lence Pre­ven­tion (UIMPV-HUG)

CO-ORGANIZERS: Foun­da­tion du Coeur des Grottes and Asso­ci­a­tion Astrée, shel­ters for vic­tims of traf­fick­ing in Gene­va and Lau­sanne

You can also access the video of this webi­nar with trans­la­tions in French, Ital­ian, Ger­man, Span­ish, Russ­ian and Chi­nese on the adlaudatosi web­site: www.adlaudatosi.org

The webi­na­rs are orga­nized by the Ambas­sador of the Sov­er­eign Order of Mal­ta to mon­i­tor and com­bat human traf­fick­ing with the Col­lège Uni­ver­si­taire Hen­ry-Dunant, in coop­er­a­tion with Sis­ter Mir­jam Beike, RGS, UN Rep­re­sen­ta­tive in Gene­va for the Sis­ters of Our Lady of Char­i­ty of the Good Shep­herd.
Please vis­it the fol­low­ing web­sites

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